Past, Present, and future.

PICT0003At last , Spring and longer days to paint.  The three pastels of children are completed and at the framers.  I loved painting these.  Each with their own sweet look, so much fun to capture.  Brings out the mother in me.  The oil painting that I just finished is of a lovely lady in the garden.  “Nancy” was a painting I had started some time ago and just had the opportunity to complete.  The six pastels that were destroyed in a house fire were completed , framed and in place.  There will be a very large and beautiful black and white,  probably in acrylic, to complete the group.  Under the instruction of  knowledgeable conservators, I have been doing minor cleaning and repair mostly for my friend Mary Kay Van Hooser of Mint Spring Frame shop.  She is my long time friend and I will be missing working with her.  She is retiring but thankfully has accepted part time work with my new framer, Jason at Morgan Miles Gallery and Frame Shop located in the downtown section of our beautiful Staunton, Va.  He has offered a good discount for all my clients and will be displaying my paintings in his gallery.  The oil painting on my easel now is a repair project with major repainting and altering.  It is of a sweet little girl at the very edge of stepping into womanhood with all the innocence of a child.  Next will be a major oil painting for a hospital.  This handsome gentleman will come in for his first sitting soon.  The painting will be for the board room for the hospital.  I will be happily busy this summer and I will be looking forward to it.
