Painting Virginia First Ladies

Nahid Neff with portrait of Jeanie Baliles

Nahid with her portrait of one of Virginia’s First Ladies, Jeanie Baliles.

To be one of five women Virginia artists to be selected with a commission to paint two of the 10 living First Ladies of Virginia was a great honor and at first quite overwhelming. I was to paint first lady Jeannie Baliles, 1986-l990 and Roxane Gilmore, 1998-2002. The next few months were exciting and eventful starting with meeting Virginia First Lady, Maureen McDonnell and representatives of the Virginia Commission for the Arts and Virginia Museum of the Fine arts at a luncheon with all 10 Virginia first ladies to be painted and the other four artists.

The Virginia Governor’s mansion is a beautiful house and has been home to each family it served along with all the growing children and all the normal family activities. Nothing was as awesome as these ladies, though. Each was accomplished in many ways who served selflessly to improve our beautiful State. All were patriotic to America regardless of their political leaning, all mothers and wives and unselfishly American. That was the real honor.

As things unfolded and the rest of the world faded away, I became absorbed in my painting. I became more familiar with each of “my ladies” and realized more and more that the woman behind the man was indeed the foundation, the pillar, the support and in many cases the guiding light. What an awesome privilege. The portraits of my two first ladies are posted with my oils portfolio.

As for the “lost paintings,” four of the series of six have been completed and are posted for you to view in my pastel group. The other two are to come next. I am especially excited about these as they are replacing what was the family treasure.

Complications having to re-produce from a faded snapshot are challenges that give me a feeling of accomplishment. I am so happy to have returned to my passion of painting.