
Nahid Neff with portrait of Jeanie Baliles

Nahid with her portrait of one of Virginia’s First Ladies, Jeanie Baliles.

It is no surprise that the love of the arts is inborn in every Iranian, especially with the famous miniaturists and poets coloring the land’s civilization like a jewel-toned Persian miniature.

I tried drawing from when I could hold a pencil, was punished by teachers for drawing them under my desk and using a candle under my bed to draw way past bedtime.  I saw so much beauty in human nature and tried to express their feelings, whether it was a passing impish grin in the face of a mischievous child or the sad look of resignation in the eyes of a grandfather, all leathery and gray, when having to part with his little granddaughter.  So I painted and drew.

In this country I received my formal training in art and techniques under outstanding professors at two schools in Virginia, James Madison University in Harrisonburg  and Mary Baldwin College in Staunton. In the summer, when other students were on vacation, I attended the Temple University Art School in Philadelphia and studied under distinguished   artists.  Now, after a long break to care for family, I have returned to my passion and am enjoying every second.

While in school, two of my pieces of work were sent around the country for two years as part of a special program to promote the arts.  My work is displayed in homes, schools, court houses and two of the most recent works are displayed at the Governor’s Mansion in Richmond as a part of a special initiative by the Virginia first lady, Maureen McDonnell, promoting Women in the Arts in Virginia.

I live in historic  Staunton,Virginia with my husband of many years.  Our daughter Pam lives in Philadelphia with her husband.

I guarantee my work to be professional and pleasing and it will be a pleasure to work with you to create a cherished memory.